Our Research
The Owerko Centre plays an important role in meeting the research objectives positioned in the University of Calgary's Child Health and Wellness Strategy.
The Owerko Centre promotes a multidisciplinary and bio-psychological research agenda that strives to:
- Advance our understanding of biological and psychosocial development of children and improve health outcomes through translational research
- Determine prenatal and early childhood socio-environmental predictors of neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders
- Identify mechanisms (e.g., neural, endocrine, genetic, metabolic) underlying the relationships among antecedents, predictors and neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders
- Improve the early identification and diagnosis of child neurodevelopmental and mental health disorders using imaging, genomics, and metabolomic approaches; and
- Evaluate and improve clinical, supportive and rehabilitative treatments for children and families at risk for, and affected by neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders.

Owerko Centre Awards
The Owerko Centre offers a suite of annual grants, awards and scholarships to our community of trainees, early career researchers and research staff to recognize excellence and support growing research careers.

Owerko Research Catalyst Grants
Owerko Research Catalyst Grants help advance new research and bring together principal investigators to create new collaborations. Projects should be comprised of researchers who have never worked together before or have sufficient justification as to why the project is outside previous collaboration. Please note that all principal investigators applying for an Owerko Research Catalyst Grant must be ACHRI members.
Past Catalyst Grant Award Winners
Dr. Deborah Dewey & Dr. Nils Forkert
Using Machine Learning to Predict the Effects of Maternal and Early Childhood Exposure to Neurotoxic Chemical Elements and Essential Nutrients on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Dr. Davide Martino & Dr. Laura Sycuro
Cross-disorder approach to the study of gut microbiome in neurodevelopmental disorders
Dr. Ray Turner & Dr. David Schriemer
Restoring Protein Translation in Fragile X Syndrome
Dr. Deborah Kurrasch, Dr. Myriam Hemberger & Dr. Sarah McFarlane
The Effects of Maternal Infection on Placenta and Developing Brains
Dr. Gerald Giesbrecht, Dr. Melanie Noel & Dr. Alfred Yeung
Fibre for Thought: Reducing Pain and Anxiety by Gut-Brain Axis Modulation
Dr. Kathryn Birnie, Dr. Melanie Noel, Dr. Sheri Madigan, Dr. Serena Orr, Dr. Sheila McDonald & Dr. Suzanne Tough
Drs Kathryn Birnie, Melanie Noel, Sheri Madigan, Serena Orr, Sheila McDonald, Suzanne Tough
Dr. Kathryn Birnie, Dr. Melanie Noel, Dr. Sheri Madigan, Dr. Serena Orr, Dr. Sheila McDonald & Dr. Suzanne Tough
Dr. Signe Bray & Dr. Emma Towlson
Heterogeneity in brain networks in children born preterm and the relation to risk of behavioral and mental disorder