Administrative Data Research Consult

This form is used to initiate a new consultation request with the Clinical Data Wayfinder regarding administrative data available for research purposes.

Once you complete this form, you will be contacted to set up a time to discuss your data needs.
Is this a follow-up request to a prior consultation?
Where are you affiliated? (Select all that apply).
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Are you applying for research funding?
If you know which of the data sources you're requesting support with, please select all of those you wish to use:
Identifiable ‘as-is’ vital statistics including Births, Deaths, Stillbirths, Birth Anomaly, Stillbirth Anomaly and Legal Name Changes from Alberta Health.
Identifiable Provider Claims for insured health services covered under the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan.
The central repository of prescription drugs dispensed from community pharmacies. The data is patient identifiable and includes, but not limited to, Patient Identification Data (ULI, DOB), Drug Name, Drug Identification Number (DIN), Drug Dose, Quantity Dispensed, and Number of Days Supplied.
All hospital-based and community-based ambulatory care, such as day surgery, emergency departments, outpatient and community-based clinics.
Data on hospitalizations, separations (including discharges, deaths, sign-outs and transfers) from acute care institutions in Alberta.
Details of when a patient had which exams taken, where, and for what reason.
Maximum 300 words.