Child Health and Wellness Funding Opportunities
Child Health Innovation Opportunities
Activated by Innovate Calgary, the university’s knowledge transfer and business incubator, UCeed is a philanthropically powered early-stage investment program that accelerates UCalgary and community-based start-up companies to advance problem-solving research, create jobs and fuel the economy.
UCeed Child Health is funded by the generosity of our community through the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation and their mission to inspire our community to invest in excellence in child health, research and family centred care.
This program is situated within Post-Secondary Investments & Emerging Technologies at Alberta Innovates (AI) and is designed to leverage Alliance funding offered by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
ACHRI Matching and Bridge Funding Program
Granting agencies and organizations frequently run research funding competitions requiring matching funds. These are generally highly competitive awards, which help enhance our research capacity and academic reputation. To support and encourage members to compete for these awards, ACHRI is committed to providing matching funds wherever possible.
- All ACHRI members applying for external grant funding require a matching commitment.
- Proposed grant supports research relevant to child and maternal health.
- Members with uncommitted startup funds available must use those funds for matching.
- Matching will be used for investments to benefit our research community. In the case of multi-centre proposals, ACHRI will consider proportionate matching shared with other participating centres.
Application Process:
- Matching fund applications must be submitted to achri.awards@ucalgary.ca
- Following review, evaluation and prioritization by ACHRI leadership, the Director will issue a letter of commitment to successful applicants.
Application package must include:
- Completed Application Form
- One-page summary of planned research project - this can be the “Objectives” or “Specific Aims” page from the grant application
- CV of applicant(s)
Following the announcement of results of major Tri-Council grant competitions, ACHRI offers bridge funding to its members whose applications are highly ranked, but unfunded. The intent of bridge funding is to sustain the research programs of members until the next external grant competition. Priority will be given to first applications of bridge funding.
- All ACHRI members
- Will only be considered if the application reached the final stage of the competition, if applicable
- Individuals who hold endowed chairs or professorships valued at more than $100,000/year in operating funds are not eligible to apply
- Individuals with unencumbered startup funds are not eligible to apply
- Generally, an application would only receive ACHRI bridge funding once, however, in extenuating circumstances additional bridge funding may be considered for a given applicaiton
Application Process:
- The Notice of Decision (NOD) or Notice of Recommendation (NOR)
- Reviewer and Scientific Officer notes (these will be kept confidential)
- Completed ACHRI Bridge Funding Application Form
UCalgary Vice-President Research Catalyst Grants
VPR Catalyst Grants are designed to catalyze research initiatives that will lead to substantial external funding, and are intended to support well-defined early-stage research activities.
Three Deadlines Per Year: Feb 1, June 1, Oct 1