Aug. 29, 2022
UCalgary raises intersex-inclusive Pride flags in support and celebration for Calgary Pride

With the raising of two intersex-inclusive Pride flags on Friday morning, UCalgary’s annual celebration of LGBTQ2S+ community and culture is officially underway.
The two flags, one outside the Rozsa Centre and the other flying near the university’s landmark south campus archway, are raised as visible symbols of community support, and their appearance marks the beginning of one of the institution’s most significant celebrations.
“The flags are a symbol of support for Calgary Pride and of a campus community where diversity is at the forefront,” explains Dr. Penny Werthner, interim provost and vice-president (academic).
“They also serve as a visual reminder of our commitment to a welcoming and inclusive campus.”

UCalgary is proudly supporting the intersex-inclusive Pride flag designed in 2021 by London artist and writer Valentino Vecchietti, and is the latest in a long evolution of flags that started with the iconic rainbow banner in 1978.
The newest incarnation includes a purple circle over a yellow triangle, as symbols of the intersex community and a counterpoint to colours traditionally linked to binary genders.
UCalgary’s Pride celebration includes campus activities, as well as involvement in off-campus Calgary Pride events like the famous Calgary Pride Parade and Festival parade on Sept. 4. Students, faculty, staff, volunteers and alumni will march in the parade for the first time since 2019, after COVID-19 forced parade organizers to hit pause.
On campus, a fresh-paint facelift has made the Pride art installation on the stairs outside MacEwan Student Centre, pop with colour, making it a welcoming space to gather and celebrate Pride with the campus community.
And on Aug. 31, UCalgary’s Olympic Oval will hold its first-ever all-ages Pride skate from 6 to 7:30 p.m.